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First edition in Spanish.

"A Juana le gustan muchas cosas: dibujar, comer repollitas y vivir en Bogotá, Colombia. Pero más que nada, adora a su perro, Lucas. Lucas es su mejor amigo, absolutamente sin la más mínima duda. A Juana no le gusta su uniforme del colegio, que le pica mucho. Tampoco le gustan problemas de matemáticas, ni las clases de baile. Sobre todo, a Juana NO le gusta aprender inglés. Todas las TH de ese idioma inoportuno le hacen cosquillas en la lengua, y muchas de las palabras no tienen ningún sentid para ella. Si read y read se escriben igual, ¿por qué se pronuncian de modo tan diferente? Hasta que el abuelo de Juana le cuenta de algo fantástico que tiene planeado y ahora Juana tiene toda la motivación necesaria para trabajar muy duro ¡y convertirse en una fuente de inglés!" --
"Juana's life is just about perfect. She lives in the beautiful city of Bogotá with her two most favorite people in the world: her mami and her dog, Lucas. Lately, though, things have become a little less perfect. Mami has a new hairdo and a new amigo named Luis with whom she has been spending a LOT of time. He is kind and teaches Juana about things like photography and jazz music, but sometimes Juana can't help wishing things would go back to the way they were before. When Mami announces that she and Luis are getting married and that they will all be moving to a new casa, Juana is quite distraught. Lucky for her, though, some things will never change -- like how much Mami loves her."

Available copies

  • 11 of 11 copies available at Westchester Library System.

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0 current holds with 11 total copies.

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Book 3 English 2 Spanish 1 All formats and editions 3
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Bedford Hills Free Library J SPA MEDINA (Text)
Juvenile Spanish Language
Chappaqua Library SPANISH J MED (Text)
Juvenile World Language
Larchmont Public Library J SPA MEDINA (Text)
Juvenile Spanish Language
New Rochelle Public Library SPA JY MEDINA (Text)
Juvenile Spanish Language
Port Chester-Rye Brook Public Library SPA J MEDINA (Text)
Juvenile Spanish Language
The Field Library J SPA YR MEDINA (Text)
Juvenile Spanish Language
Warner Library SPA J MEDINA (Text)
Juvenile Spanish Language
White Plains Public Library J FICTION SPANISH (GR 2-3) (Text)
Juvenile Books by Grade Level
White Plains Public Library J FICTION SPANISH (GR 2-3) (Text)
Juvenile Books by Grade Level
White Plains Public Library J PAPER SPANISH (GR 2-3) (Text)
Juvenile Books by Grade Level
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